Red Bakery Reusable Nursery Wall Decal


Red Bakery Reusable Nursery Wall Decal

Your children will be able to make this bakery a part of their game with their own toys. In the future, you can turn your child's room into an active and moving fairy tale by adding other stickers from our Craft Street wall decal set.

✓ White, matt color

✓ 100 µm monomeric PVC

✓ Made in Germany

✓ Can be applied on smooth and flat surfaces

✓ The dot adhesive guarantees a bubble-free, easy application and repositioning

✓ A slight surface texture can be given due to the dot-shaped adhesive

✓ Removable adhesive properties, will not leave any residue on the wall.

✓ Suitable for outdoor applications up to one year

✓ B1 fire certification according to DIN 4102-1

✓ M1 fire certification according to NF P 92 503-507 The dimensions are in the product pictures.

Please note that the real-life colours can differ from the images due to monitor settings.