Kitty In A Bubble Reusable Nursery Wall Decal


Kitty In A Bubble Reusable Nursery Wall Decal

I wonder what the surprise of the surprise kitty is this time :)

All of our removable wall decals are produced with the highest quality sticker material, which can be repeatedly disassembled and attached, not damaged during this process and does not damage the wall. You can re-paste the stickers wherever you want with our Peel-Pull wall sticker material, so that your children can create their own fantasy world.

Our prices include VAT and shipping cost.

All of our products are printed with HP Latex solvent-free water-based paints, so they don't have the slightest effect on your health. During the removal process, slow and careful separation should be performed, otherwise you may unintentionally tear off the thin, narrow parts on the label.

The surfaces must be clean and the wall paints must not be weak so that the Remove-Plug materials do not lose their properties.